Expression Experience Installation
Service Description
Expression Experience Installation, came from a series of workshops and public engagement art works presented at George Washington University Milken Institute of School of Public Health. Not all emotions can be expressed in words, therefore, the goal of the Interactive Contemporary Art Wall Project at Milken Institute School of Public Health, titled ‘Going blindly back into Nature, is to provide students and staff with a space to explore and express their emotions through expressive mark making experience on a provided community canvas while eyes are closed to reconnect to self. With the same core values from the Expression Experience Workshops intentions to elicit a sense of freedom and mark making on large scale walls. The vision was to give attendees the opportunity to face the fear of art, a wall or many other things that keeps us from expressing our true self. The prevention of health is upon the act of doing. This installation and workshops are based on the elements of our natural tendency to use play, and movement for our development of wellbeing and integration to everyday life. Aspects of Human Development interest were gained through experience with hands on application of DIR/Floortime concepts developed by Dr. Stanley Greenspan in a one on one setting. The installation is based on using contemporary design by Claudia Lamy and public engagement concepts for the well being of your public and or private company space. The environment companies create by welcoming creativity by giving it space, physically and verbally through you actions is a action to preventive wellbeing approach to lifestyles. ACTIVE ART EXPRESSION at your site in a catalyst to initiate balanced lifestyles to your audiences, clients and staff.
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